TTD Nijapada Darshanam Tickets Online booking starts now in with Lucky Dip service. Check Tirumala Nijapada Darshanam seva details availability, current booking and Online booking process.
Nijapada Darshanam is the weekly special darshan provided for devotees in tirumala. Every friday the Lord Idol was performed with Poora Abhishekam seva. Then all the adorned ornaments, decorations are removed for the seva. The next moment of the seva, Devotees are given chance to see the Holy feet of the Lord Govinda idol. This is called Nijapada Darshanam. Devotees directly see srivari real feet without golden covers that to from 1st door in the inner temple. Nijapada Darsanam is more satisfactory than Protocol VIP Darshan or SRIVANI trust donation Break Darshan.
A special privileage is only available in this seva because, People can see the lord idol in his original stance. No person was allowed to get this ticket in other week days. Only friday is appropriate for this seva. TTD Nijapada Darshanam is the most popular after Suprabatha Darshanam Seva.

How to check the availability of Tirumala TTD Nijapada Darshanam Tickets?
The nijapada Darshanam was available to book in three ways. One is Online Lucky Dip Random Allotment. Second is approaching the TTD online booking counters four months before the desired day. They will give the exact time of tickets issue every day.
TTD Nijapada Darshanam Online Booking Process:
As Nijapada Darshanam seva tickets are issued in online on every available Friday, 400 to 500 tickets are issued for online booking in Random allotment.
Register an User-id with website and login with your credentials for profile creation.
Only a couple of people are allowed to register for Lucky Dip Online allotment. People must give their aadhar details for getting the Random allotment Nijapada Darshanam.
How to appear for TTD Nijapada Darshanam Seva in Tirumala?
Devotees need to visit the temple q gateway in traditional attire only. The seva or darshan time will be 40 minutes only. Time to report at the entry gate is 4:30 AM IST in morning.
Devotees or Pilgrims must carry the printout of ticket and aadhar ID in to q for photo verification. Ticket cost is 200 per head. Two small laddus are given as a reward for the ticket.Ticket once issued is not transferable and Refundable. Leave your comments below for any suggestion.
Latest update about Tirumala TTD nijapada Darsanam Tickets booking:
The very first day of March has fallen Friday. So on 20 December Nijapada Darshanam Tickets in Online Electronic Lucky dip is allowed to register. Till 22th of December 10:00 AM Arjitha seva tickets dip registration was allowed to select. A nice opportunity for devotees to get sure Nijapada Darshanam tickets in online. Check TTD Electronic Luckydip Online Booking Page for more information.
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